Thursday, 21 April 2011

Transmission Circuits

The heart of any utility power-distribution system is the cable used to tie distant parts of the network together. Conductors are rated by the American Wire Gauge (AWG) scale. The smallest is no. 36, and the largest is no. 0000. There are 40 sizes in between. Sizes larger than no. 0000 AWG are specified in thousand circular

steam generator

The steam generator has three major systems:
 -  Fuel system :
Fuel is mixed with air and injected into the furnace through burners. The burners are equipped with nozzles,

Fossil Fuel Power Plants

The most frequently used fuels for large-scale power generation are oil, natural gas,and coal. Figure 1.33 illustrates the principal elements of a fossil fuel power plant. Fuel handling includes transport by rail, on ships, or through pipelines. A power plant usually maintains several days of fuel reserve at any one time. Oil and gas

Power Generating Systems

Electrical power can be produced in many ways, including chemical reactions, heat, light, or mechanical energy. Most electrical power produced today is through hydroelectric plants, nuclear energy, and by burning coal, oil, or natural gas. Fossil fuel and nuclear-fission plants use steam turbines to deliver the mechanical